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    AL 9 L.H

    Product description: Schemat obiegu powietrza kominka 9.L.H Insert coating is made of steel P265GH grade in accordance with EN 10088-2. Insert components are produced with the help of modern CNC machines ( laser 2D, 3D laser, Folding press). The insert is welded on the welding robot MAG guaranteeing high quality and aesthetics of welds. Steel door is made of special profile guaranteeing rigidity and high temperature resistance. Heat-resistant ceramic glass of working temperatures up to 800°C. Steel base of the insert is provided with the cold air intake throttle. The insert is equipped with an air curtain guaranteeing pure glass effect. Specially designed rear part of the body allows to bring secondary air to the upper part of the furnace. It increases effectiveness of the device thanks to after burning combustion gases. Meet the standards of BlmSchV II and Ecodesign. In accordance with the requirements of the Ecodesign Directive in the EU Member States: "This product can not be used as the primary source of heating".


    Nominal power (kW) الطاقة الاسمية (kW)
    Heating load range (kW) نطاق تحميل التدفئة (كيلوواط)
    Thermal efficiency (%) الكفاءة الحرارية (٪)
    Dust emission [g/m³] انبعاثات الغبار [g / m³]
    CO emission (by13% O2 ) انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون (بنسبة 13٪ O2)
    Weight (kg) الوزن (كلغ)
    Flue diameter (mm) قطر المداخن (مم)
    Air intake diameter (mm) قطر سحب الهواء (مم)
    Glass dimensions (mm) الأبعاد الزجاجية (مم)
    Min. active field of outlet vents (cm²) دقيقة. المجال النشط من فتحات المخرج (سم²)
    Min. active field of inlet vents (cm²) دقيقة. المجال النشط لفتحات المنافذ (cm²)

    Technical Information

    Technical information about your stove installation (PDF format)



    Specification about your stove installation (PDF format)



    E-Catalog about your stove installation (PDF format)



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